In President Trump’s pre-Super Bowl interview with CBS News, he slammed Rep. Nancy Pelosi on the wall, as well as NFL players who kneel during the National Anthem. He was in fine form. He nailed Pelosi at the beginning of the interview and then took on the NFL and kneeling at the 15:40 mark. Trump also took extreme exception with those who are second-guessing his decision to pull American troops out of both Syria and Afghanistan.
In the interview, Trump also briefly discussed football. He said he would not push his son Barron to play the game, knowing the risk of long term brain injury. He also pointed out that soccer is becoming more popular as a sport.
But it’s his flaying of Pelosi that was riveting. President Trump referred to Nancy Pelosi as “very rigid” and intimated that he may sidestep Congress to get the wall built by declaring a national emergency. Rumor has it that an executive order is ready and awaiting his signature. At least Trump didn’t call Pelosi “frigid” although that certainly came to mind.
“I think that [Pelosi] was very rigid — which I would expect — but I think she is very bad for our country,” Trump told reporter Margaret Brennan. “She knows that you need a barrier. She knows that we need border security. She wanted to win a political point. I happen to think it’s very bad politics because basically, she wants open borders. She doesn’t mind human trafficking or she wouldn’t do this.”
“She can keep playing her games, but we will win. Because we have a much better issue. On a political basis, what she’s doing is — I actually think it’s bad politics, but much more importantly it’s very bad for our country,” he stated.
“You know, there have been plenty of national emergencies called,” Trump explained. “And this really is an invasion of our country by human traffickers.”
Trump wasn’t anywhere near done. She “doesn’t mind human trafficking,” Trump added, torching Pelosi very nicely.
From The Daily Wire:
“As for the kneeling NFL players, Trump believes the recent boost in NFL ratings proves he was right that anti-racism protests were souring Americans on professional football. Trump also believes he’s made progress handling some NFL players’ complaints. “A lot of people in the NFL have been calling and thanking me,” he said, referring to his part in efforts to reform the criminal justice system and grant clemency to a number of federal prisoners serving long sentences for drug crimes.
“You have to respect our flag and our country. I want that as president and I’d want that as a citizen. And I have a very good relationship. I did them a big favor in negotiating the USMCA, which is basically the replacement to NAFTA, which is one of the worst trade deals ever made,” Trump said. “And Roger Goodell, this is a dispute that has gone on for years. Roger Goodell called me and he thanked me.”
“In a final interview, which aired just before the game, Trump touted his plan to withdraw American military forces from Syria and Afghanistan, noting that the United States’ commitment to the two countries won’t be dimmed by a change in troop presence.
“We’ll come back if we have to,” Trump said.
“We have very fast airplanes, we have very good cargo planes. We can come back very quickly, and I’m not leaving,” Trump added, hammering in the possibility that American troops could easily re-deploy to the region. “We have a base in Iraq and the base is a fantastic edifice. I mean I was there recently, and I couldn’t believe the money that was spent on these massive runways. And these — I’ve rarely seen anything like it. And it’s there. And we’ll be there. And frankly, we’re hitting the caliphate from Iraq and as we slowly withdraw from Syria.”‘
This isn’t the first time President Trump has given an interview before the Super Bowl. He’s done it a number of times now. His State of the Union Address this week promises surprisesbut will also touch on these issues.