Tucker Takes on Socialist Professor: Tax The Rich Up To 80%

Tucker Carlson destroys this disgusting far left-leaning “professor” as she argues for forcing the super-wealthy up to 80%.

Tucker Carlson: “But you’re asking other people to give their money to the government. Why aren’t you giving 70% of your income to the government? You could!”

Socialist professor: “Well I’m not in the top 1% but I have no issue-”

Tucker Carlson: “You don’t need to be.”

Socialist professor: “Well that’s the argument I’m making right now. That’s it’s not about working class Americans or people like me who are upper income Americans, um it’s really about the wealthiest top 1% now–I pay about 30%.”

Tucker Carlson: “Why not pay 70%? I don’t understand. Like what’s holding you back?

And this is where she begans to get all stuttery…

Socialist professor: “You know what’s holding me back? If if if I knew how to do that um I would have no issue doing that, but the tax code is totally convoluted.”

Tucker Carlson: “No no no let me simplify it for you. Just write a check. Pay your taxes. Just figure it out. You pay 30%? Then just figure out the other 40% and write a check to the U.S. Treasury.”

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