Two Major Republican Leaders Ambushed By Protesters, Now Police Are Involved

Over the past month, tensions have been heating up between the Democratic and Republican parties. Especially since the likes of Representative Maxine Waters have been urging their far left supporters to accost Trump administration officials as well as high profile Republicans. People such as Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, former Environmental Protection Agency Scott Pruitt, and Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen have all been accosted in public places. Now to add to the list is Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. What he recently went through at a restaurant in Kentucky shows you exactly how far the left has and will go to.

Downtrend reported, “California Rep. Maxine Waters has called for democrats to attack and harass Republicans whenever they are in public and all of Liberaldome has embraced this immature and uncivil tactic. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell was accosted by a handful of leftist losers as he left a restaurant. This group, apparently associated with the Democratic Socialist movement not only verbally abused McConnell but also issued veiled threats of d***h or violence.

McDonnell and a few associates were leaving a restaurant in Louisville on Saturday when several leftists, mostly fat ladies, confronted him. The Louisville Democratic Socialists of America posted this video with a warning that McConnell will get no peace until all illegal aliens are released from custody and set loose in the United States.

McConnell actually doesn’t give a shit as he makes his way to his car. The small group of around 5 losers are chanting, “Vote you out.” Maybe the fat ladies think they get extra votes, but even if voting were by the pound, this insignificant group of people hardly represents a revolution to unseat McConnell.

However, this is not the first time something like this has occurred. Not even this week! In Richmond, Virginia a bookstore owner had to call 911 this past week when individuals confronted former White House official and chief strategist Stephen Bannon for his political beliefs. A woman allegedly called Bannon a piece of trash before leaving the store when the owner called 911.

The owner told a local news outlet that Bannon was peacefully looking at books and minding his own business when the woman confronted him. When he confronted the woman he told her if she did not stop he would call the police. She refused, and he left to make the call. But when he came back she had already left. Shortly thereafter the police confirmed the 911 call was placed but they also said the call was canceled before officers responded.

This type of behavior is exactly what is wrong with our country. Bookstores are about books that are based on ideas often contrary to each other. Freedom of thought, freedom of religion, and freedom of speech are ingrained in the fabric of our society. The liberal left and the radicalized left have forgotten what this country is all about. While simultaneously fighting against what they feel is so bad they have become the very thing they hate.

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