An undercover informant, William Douglas Campbell, who has been assisting the FBI in the Uranium One story says that despite attacks on his credibility by congressional Democrats, agents have recently asked him to give fresh testimony against former President Clinton and Hillary Clinton.
In an interview with The Hill, Campbell says that he was interviewed for nearly five hours during December of 2017 by agents from Little Rock… The agents were investigating donations made to The Clinton Foundation and the possibility that those funds were used to influence U.S. nuclear policy during the Obama reign.
“They were looking into the Clintons, and the information that I provided to them about the Clintons and about what was said and confirmed by Russian leadership seemed to be very important to them,” Campbell said, appearing in shadow during the interview to protect his identity
As reported by The Hill:
Campbell said the Democrats’ criticism smacked of hypocrisy because they knew in advance he suffered memory problems from a brain tumor.
“I can remember them running on an American disabilities [platform] wheeling people in wheelchairs and people that were having issues like I was having in and talking about how sacred that was to the Democratic Party. And hell, they’re mocking me?” he said. “It’s not right.”
Spokesman for Democrats on the House Intelligence, Judiciary and Oversight and Government Reform committees, who wrote the Campbell memo, did not respond to a request for comment Thursday.
Campbell also disputed allegations by anonymous Justice officials and Democrats that while undercover he may have engaged in illegal payments with the Russians without approval. He said Moscow asked him to pay $25,000 in 2010 to hire a consultant to train him on nuclear issues and that his FBI handlers “sanctioned and were aware that I was transferring those monies.”
When the Russians didn’t provide the consulting and asked for more money, the agents recognized it was a kickback scheme and authorized him to keep making payments so they could make a criminal case, he said.