Jesse Watters had some fun when he invited a doctoral candidate on his show to debate her about the effects of eating meat. His guest was Anne Delassio-Parson and she’s a candidate for getting her Ph.D candidate at Penn State. Her big thing? She thought that eating meat reinforced gender stereotypes. Sounds pretty stupid, right? Don’t worry, it gets better. The thought was that eating meat supports a “hegemonic masculinity” or a “meat-centric culture” but that’s also fairly unintelligent, right? It is because men and women both enjoy eating meat products and no one really looks at another man or woman and thinks anything different of them, of course, unless you’re a liberal with some strange identity problem.
Usually what happens is a man and woman decide what they want to eat and no one else really cares unless they’re eating monkey brains or something totally exotic that’s out of the norm. If a girl wants a double cheeseburger or a salad, then more power to them. If a guy wants to chomp a steak or have a milkshake, then more power to him. No one cares.
Either way, eating meat somehow became the topic of this bizarre woman who doesn’t seem to be the best product of Penn State. She’s certainly a better representative than Jerry Sandusky, but that’s not very hard to do.
They then talked about “doing vegetarianism” and “de-linking” meat from gender hegemony and all I could think of was “who cares?” Not me. I’m pretty sure no one living their life in any state of normalcy would care about the nonsense that this lady is spewing.
Here’s where it gets even better. Jesse Watters ate a steak right in front of her. BOOM! Absolutely hilarious and if it’s cooked any more than medium rare, then he better send it back. What’s better than that? The fact that it was recorded. Watch the Jesse Watters steak video below, then tilt your head back and laugh. Just remember folks – eat whatever you want. No one cares. It’s your life and your belly. Eat whatever makes you happy, but not so much that it makes you an obese Trump hating complainer like Michael Moore.