Warren Tries REALLY HARD To Cry “On Queue” For Gun Control

Elizabeth Warren seemed to be trying really hard to muster up some tears during an interview outside of the White House for a Gun Control rally but just couldn’t seem to bring them to surface.

She was asked what was going through her mind and snapped at the National Rifle Association (NRA) for a lack of gun control reform.

“The NRA has held Congress hostage for years now,” Warren said. “These young people have shown up to spring us free, to say you’re not here to do the work of the gun lobby. You’re here to do the work of the American people. And I believe they will lead us. They are making a huge difference in our democracy.”

Source: Elizabeth Warren Tries Really Hard To Cry On Cue For Gun Control Rally by BPR

Suddenly, her voice cracked, and became higher pitched:

“This time it’s the young people,” she whimpered. “Whose lives are on the line. Whose futures are on the line. And that’s the point they bring home every minute. That it’s their friends, it’s themselves who are at risk. And, boy, they drive that in an up close and personal way that nobody else does.”

As reported by Tampa Bay Times:

Jared Moskowitz seethed in anger as he met with the families of students at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School on the evening of Feb. 14 as they waited in agony for police to tell them if their child was one of those murdered at school.

“My colleagues will do nothing,” he predicted, a jaded and discouraged response informed by the Republican-led Legislature’s lack of action after the 49 murders at Orlando’s Pulse Night Club 19 months earlier.

But Parkland, the town where Moskowitz grew up, attended the very same high school and was elected as state representative along with his fiery left-leaning assertiveness, proved him wrong.

Within 12 hours of the massacre that killed 17 students and teachers and wounded 15, a group of student government, journalism and drama students gathered at North Community Park near the school, and turned media interviews into calls for action.

Students David Hogg, Emma Gonzalez, Jaclyn Corin and Cameron Kasky became instant celebrities, recruited as the newest voices of activism on television shows like “Dr. Phil,” “Ellen,” “Real Time with Bill Mahrer” and on cable news. At a CNN Town Hall, they went head-to-head with U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio.

Before a week had passed, when their nights were still tormented by fear and their days filled with funerals, more than 100 of them traveled to Tallahassee to demand new laws. What their community accomplished is now being touted as a model for other states — and Washington, D.C.

“We were abruptly in the nation’s eye,” recalled junior John Barnitt, 17, who estimates he gave 35 interviews on the Saturday after the shooting. “Our coping mechanism was to turn to advocacy and show why it couldn’t happen again.”

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