Waters Receives Brutal Karma In Front Of Her $4.5 Million Home

Maxine Waters makes $174,000 per year, but she has a $4.5 million mansion in Los Angeles in addition to two other homes worth around $1 million.

She can insult wealthy men, like President Donald Trump, all she wants, but a new video shows the brutal karma that has arrived on her front lawn — and it is not pretty.

How can a member of Congress afford a $4.5 million Los Angeles mansion that takes up half a city block in one of the most affluent neighborhoods in the country? Ask Maxine Waters.


Ask her about her other two homes as well, worth another approximate $850,000 to $1.1 million. Savvy real estate acquisitions for a public servant with a $174,000 House of Representatives salary. Whoops, almost left out Maxine’s time share property in Palm Springs, CA. Add that to her list.

Only one of her homes is located in the gritty LA congressional district which she was elected to represent. Her exclusive estate is miles north — well outside her congressional district — far away from LA’s street crime, murder and the folks she is supposed to help. Apparently, Maxine has addressed concerns about help. A private company maintains her property and impressive manicured landscaping at the mansion.
Oh, we almost forgot this too. Waters’ posh 6,000 square foot LA estate is protected with wrought-iron gates at the front doors and gates for driveways and patios on each side of the Mediterranean-style abode. And add a long brick wall that protects the side of the sprawling property. There are some gates and fencing in the back too, near the custom barbecue area and the detached structure that houses Maxine’s newly built indoor pool. Or is the swimming pool in the main house? We’ll have to ask the butler.

For someone who touts a wall-free society where illegal aliens can roam free, Waters sure seems concerned about gates and walls to protect her in the LA mansion. Perhaps she’s worried the wayward homeless or DREAMers might pool hop or grille a Salisbury steak while she’s busy on CNN railing about President Donald Trump or how she really cares about financially-strapped Americans struggling to make ends meet.

The Waters estate boasts large scale rooms touted as “perfect for gracious entertaining” in one LA-based publication. It includes a “stunning entry with dramatic staircase. Lovely pecan paneling in a family room. Guest house too!”

Who keeps an eye on the place when Maxine is on the east coast fighting world poverty and hunger? Her neighbors include the mayor of LA, singer Chris Brown, Norman Chandler, the owner of the LA Times, actor Neal McDonough, Lord Baltimore’s Christian Audigier, among many others including the former Tudor Revival style mansion of deceased oil magnate J. Paul Getty. The mayor of LA resides in the former mansion of Getty. He’s a Democrat too.

And all this time Maxine had America conned into believing she was elected to her D.C. post to help the downtrodden folks struggling in poverty-plagued inner cities like the one in her backyard. Well, not that backyard. That could get dicey. Those folks might want to get out of the sun and use the air-conditioned indoor pool area. What, your 100-year-old imported marble floors are too good for the homeless?

KABC reports that black and Latino protesters, complete with a mariachi band, have gathered in front of the Congresswoman’s $4.5 million mansion in Los Angeles, California. Waters has been calling for the impeachment of Trump for some time, but now, it appears the “Hashtag Impeach Maxine” movement has arrived on her front doorstep.

Omar Navarro, a political opponent of Waters in California who was at the scene, explained, “‘Hashtag Impeach Maxine.’ See Maxine is talking about impeaching President Donald Trump and yet she doesn’t ask herself what about her? What about her not doing her job for 35 years?”

The protesters are sick and tired of Waters preaching about poverty, allegedly caused by Republicans like Trump, then living a lavish, elitist lifestyle. “She is not representing her constituents, especially the black constituents,” protesters explained. “She thinks by putting down our president, we’re going to like her more. Every time she talks, she makes me want to throw up.”

These protesters have a number of valid points, as Waters’ 6,000 square foot home “is protected with wrought-iron gates at the front doors and gates for driveways and patios on each side of the Mediterranean-style abode. And add a long brick wall that protects the side of the sprawling property. There are some gates and fencing in the back too, near the custom barbecue area and the detached structure that houses Maxine’s newly built indoor pool,” reported True Pundit. Not bad for a politician who has built a career on complaining about poverty in America.

“This nation has always struggled with how it was going to deal with poor people and people of color. Every few years you will see some great change in the way that they approach this. We’ve had the war on poverty that never really got into waging a real war on poverty.” — Maxine Waters

Perhaps, instead of calling for President Donald Trump’s impeachment and constantly blasting Republicans for their supposed lack of concern about poverty, Waters should share some of her own money with the poor, rather than buying and renovating million-dollar homes.

Of course, she is living the left-wing double standard as established by many before her and likely feels that she is entitled to live the way that she does. If many in her district, these protesters included, get their way, Waters may end up with the treatment that she wants Republicans like Trump to suffer.

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