WHOA! Protesters Descend On Maxine Waters’ House With WHO?

Way back in 2016, lol, Omar Navarro, a Republican, attempted to take Max Waters seat for the 43rd district of California and ultimately she defeated Navarro 76% to 24%. Thankfully, this hasn’t stopped him from running a campaign against her, gearing up for 2018.

Navarro, on Monday, held a protest outside of Waters’ home joined by dozens of citizens! An unidentified African American female holding a “No Justice, No Paycheck” sign said she supports Navarro because Rep. Waters isn’t helping the black community:

I wanna hear ‘impeach or recall Maxine Waters.’ We have had enough… She is not helping the black community… Omar is for all Americans regardless of the color of their skin. Omar is in touch with everybody in the community. He wants what’s best for American citizens, and that’s the way it should be.

[Waters] obviously lives outside the district, and that’s a representation of who she is and who she’s serving. She’s not representing the interests of her own district… People are homeless in Los Angeles, while this person right here [gestures to Waters’ home] is out of touch with what’s going on in society.

WATCH: Protesters Descend On Maxine Waters’ House With Republican Challenger | Daily Wire

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