WHOA! Sununu Takes CNN to the Woodshed Over Russia Collusion

John Sununu, former New Hampshire Governor and White House Chief of Staff appeared on CNN with Alisyn Camerota and discussed if President Donald Trump is under any sort of investigation over his firing of now-former FBI Director James Comey.

Sununu, as usual, was very blunt, not holding back.

“Robert Mueller is investigating the Russian involvement in the 2016 election, the FBI firing is probably included in that investigation, and that the White House has not been notified that the president is being investigated for obstruction of justice.”

“Trump’s lawyer and Chief Counsel for the American Center for Law & Justice Jay Sekulow mentioned that.”

“So, you don’t think that the reports are accurate the president is under investigation by Bob Mueller or obstruction of justice?” Camerota asked.

“Maybe Mueller has decided internally that this isn’t going anywhere, and that the only way he can have credibility on a decision saying that there’s nothing there is to have that decision come from a group of lawyers that are so blatantly biased against the president,” he said.

“You guys are fixated on an investigation that’s still has no clearly defined commitment of something wrong in the process,” Sununu said. It got incredibly intense in May, when Sununu forced Camerota to admit that there’s no evidence of Russian collusion, slamming her line of questioning as hypotheticals on hypotheticals as a result.

“If [special counsel Robert] Muller comes out and says that my version is correct and yours isn’t, how much crow are you going to eat?” Sununu said at the time to Camerota.

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