Yale Dean Placed On Leave After Calling White People WHAT?!

June Chu, Dean of one of Yale’s residential colleges, has been placed on leave after students objected to some very negative comments she wrote on the review website YELP. There, she wrote about a theater not having “sketchy crowds” (what? lol) and “barely educated morons trying to manage snack orders for the obese”. She further wrote “I guess if you were a white prson who has no clue what mochi is this would be fine for you”. These among other things she stated including referring to customers as “white trash”.

Many students found her comments offense and they went through the proper channels to have the matter addressed and now the June Chu is on leave from the school. You know… instead of riot-protesting your problems that ultimately lead to nothing.

They students say that this shows a clear bias toward a certain group of people, and they’re right.

As written for Yale Daily News by ZAINAB HAMID & RACHEL TREISMAN:

Over the last year, Pierson College Dean June Chu published controversial reviews of local businesses on her personal Yelp account, on one occasion referring to clientele of a restaurant as “white trash” and “low class folks,” and on another praising a movie theater for its lack of “sketchy crowds” despite being located in New Haven.

Screenshots of the reviews, obtained by the News Saturday afternoon and accessible here, began circulating among Pierson students in recent months. Her account has since been deleted.

Chu sent an email to the residential college community on Saturday apologizing for her reviews, which have been been met with anger and disappointment by students.

“I have learned a lot this semester about the power of words and about the accountability that we owe one another,” Chu wrote. “My remarks were wrong. There are no two ways about it. Not only were they insensitive in matters related to class and race; they demean the values to which I hold myself and which I offer as a member of this community.”

Yale College Dean Jonathan Holloway told the News on Saturday that the incident was brought to his attention a few days ago by Dean of Student Affairs Camille Lizarribar. Holloway, who spoke with Pierson Head Stephen Davis after finding out about the incident, said he was only aware of the two reviews Chu mentioned in her Saturday email.

But other reviews obtained by the News featured provocative comments that were not referenced in Saturday’s email. Most of the posts were published after June 2016, after Chu had been appointed dean.

Screenshots surface of insensitive Yelp reviews by Pierson College dean

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